If you are interested in the life of the Peregrine Falcon, then in this category we have collected live webcams for you that show in real time the nests of the Peregrine Falcon, hatching eggs, caring for the Peregrine Falcon chicks and feeding.
The peregrine falcon is one of the most magnificent birds of prey in the world. The speed of its flight at the moment of movement of the wings does not exceed hundreds of kilometers per hour. However, during the peak of the peregrine falcon reaches three hundred kilometers per hour. Most often this happens when a predator, having tracked its prey from a high place, attacks it, gliding in the air. Prey usually dies from the first blow of such a powerful enemy.
Peregrine Falcon, (Falco Peregrinus), also called Duck Hawk, is the most widespread species of all birds of prey. Its populations are present on every continent except Antarctica and oceanic islands. At the moment, the existence of seventeen subspecies is recognized.